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Hack Invaders
''' Created by Csaba Csuzdi Hacktivity 2019 ''' import badge import random import samd import system import time import ugfx GUN_WIDTH = 16 GUN_HEIGHT = 16 MOVEMENT = 8 ASTEROID_WIDTH = 8 ASTEROID_HEIGHT = 2 ASTEROID_CNT = 2 BULLET_SIZE = 2 state = { 'pos': 64-GUN_WIDTH//2, 'bullets': [], 'asteroids': [], 'points': 0, 'life': 6, 'music': False, 'end': False } def music(): while True: if state['end']: return if state['music']: samd.buzzer(random.randrange(1, 8), 1) def draw_gun(): x = state['pos'] ugfx.area(x, 64-GUN_HEIGHT//2, GUN_WIDTH, GUN_HEIGHT//2, 1) ugfx.area(x+GUN_WIDTH//4, 64-GUN_HEIGHT, GUN_WIDTH//2, GUN_HEIGHT//2, 1) def draw_object(obj, w, h): ugfx.area(obj['x'], obj['y'], w, h, 1) def draw_objects(objects, w, h): for obj in objects: draw_object(obj, w, h) def draw_point(point): ugfx.string_box(100, 0, 128-100, 10, str(point), "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyRight) def move(direction): x = state['pos'] + MOVEMENT*direction x = max(0, x) x = min(128-GUN_WIDTH, x) state['pos'] = x def right(pushed): if not pushed: return move(1) def left(pushed): if not pushed: return move(-1) def fire(pushed): if not pushed: return state['bullets'].append({ 'x': state['pos'] + GUN_WIDTH//2, 'y': 64-GUN_HEIGHT }) def action_exit(pushed): if (pushed): badge.led(6, 0, 0, 0) state['end'] = True system.home() def step_objects(objs, direction): for obj in objs: obj['y'] = obj['y']+1*direction new_objs = [obj for obj in objs if obj['y'] >= 0 and obj['y'] < 64] objs.clear() objs.extend(new_objs) def generate_asteroids(): l = len(state['asteroids']) if l >= ASTEROID_CNT: return for i in range(ASTEROID_CNT-l): state['asteroids'].append({ 'x': random.randrange(0, 128-ASTEROID_WIDTH), 'y': i }) def hit(): state['points'] += 1 badge.led(6, 1, 0, 0) def is_collide(o1x, o1y, o1w, o1h, o2x, o2y, o2w, o2h): return (o1x < o2x + o2w and o1x + o1w > o2x and o1y < o2y + o2h and o1y + o1h > o2h) def collide(): newbullets = state['bullets'][:] newasteroids = state['asteroids'][:] for bullet in state['bullets']: for asteroid in state['asteroids']: if is_collide(bullet['x'], bullet['y'], BULLET_SIZE, BULLET_SIZE, asteroid['x'], asteroid['y'], ASTEROID_WIDTH, ASTEROID_HEIGHT): if bullet in newbullets: newbullets.remove(bullet) if asteroid in newasteroids: newasteroids.remove(asteroid) hit() state['bullets'] = newbullets for asteroid in state['asteroids']: if (is_collide(state['pos'], 64-GUN_HEIGHT//2, GUN_WIDTH, GUN_HEIGHT//2, asteroid['x'], asteroid['y'], ASTEROID_WIDTH, ASTEROID_HEIGHT) or is_collide(state['pos']+GUN_WIDTH//4, 64-GUN_HEIGHT, GUN_WIDTH//2, GUN_HEIGHT//2, asteroid['x'], asteroid['y'], ASTEROID_WIDTH, ASTEROID_HEIGHT)): if asteroid in newasteroids: newasteroids.remove(asteroid) state['life'] -= 1 if state['life'] <= 0: state['end'] = True state['asteroids'] = newasteroids def step(): step_objects(state['bullets'], -1) step_objects(state['asteroids'], 2) collide() generate_asteroids() def update_life(cnt): for i in range(6): if i < cnt: badge.led(i, 0, 0, 1) else: badge.led(i, 0, 0, 0) def game_over(): ugfx.string(10, 20, "Game Over", "Roboto_Regular18", 1) ugfx.flush() def main(): badge.init() ugfx.input_init() ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, action_exit) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, right) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, left) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, fire) # _thread.start_new_thread("music", music, ()) while not state['end']: ugfx.clear() step() draw_gun() draw_objects(state['bullets'], BULLET_SIZE, BULLET_SIZE) draw_objects(state['asteroids'], ASTEROID_WIDTH, ASTEROID_HEIGHT) draw_point(state['points']) ugfx.flush() update_life(state['life']) game_over() while True: time.sleep(1) main()